The 2021 replays are available!

Tanya Smith

Live Video Strategist, Get Noticed with Video LLC

About this speaker

Tanya Smith helps coaches, consultants, and course creators leverage on-camera video content to get seen online, serve more people and sell more services.

For more than 10 years, Tanya has been a noteworthy leader in content marketing, earning a number of prestigious marketing certifications and awards.

Her experience and perspectives have been featured in video, radio, and on stage as a guest speaker for national organizations and events like Rocks Digital as well as in print, highlighted on the cover for high profile magazines like Marketing, Media & Money, Bronze, and Visionocity.

When she is not collecting Wonder Woman paraphernalia, you’ll find Tanya sharing weekly strategies and apps to simplify video content at, on Facebook and Youtube.

Exclusive Offers

Register for this Event to unlock these exclusive offers.

25% off your first month of membership with Streambosses Academy. The academy was created to give service providers the jumpstart you need to create amazing, magnetic video content, without all the struggles of learning video creation on your own. Enjoy the support of other like-minded coaches and course creators learning how to do more video. {Use coupon code PWP2021}


Are You Ready for Live Video? - Quiz and Special Report


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Video marketing for authors

October 20, 2021, 11:00 AM
Tanya Smith

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